Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Another day painting with different school children. This was the day an underwater Sofi Super Clearner was created.
The final painting on the wall.

Monday, May 30, 2005


The first day of painting with school children at Tepe Nautilus as part of a promotion for Deniz Temiz Turmepa .......
The final painting varnished and on the wall at the shopping centre.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Tepe Nautilus Carrefour shopping centre, Acıbadem, İstanbul Asia

For the 19 May commemorations NPP produced the 3 maps of Turkey showing the landmass of the Ottoman Empire, the Allied Forces intentions to divide Turkey and the territory saved to create today's Turkish Republic. One shopper was so upset at the sight of the second map, she complained to the Tepe Nautilus management and we had to hide the painting until the final map was completed and visitors could understand what was being produced. Sensitivities can run in Turkiye.......